Automatic Terminal Information System (ATIS)

Automatic ATIS System

The CND ATIS system provides a fully automatic ICAO Annex 11 ATIS with extensive display and customization facilities using a multi-tab operator management screen. The ATIS audio is assembled from either a pre-recorded library of words and phrases, or by direct Synthetic Speech, from the text of the individual items that comprise the ATIS. The result is broadcast repetitively over a VHF radio channel. Items contained in the ATIS can be updated by direct operator input, AFTN messages, or an Automatic Meteorological instrument system. (AWOS).

The system supports D-ATIS downlink and uplink messages in ED-89A format, including Contract D-ATIS, and serial RS232 or MATIP TCP communications connection to an Air Ground Service provider.


DYNAMIC DISPLAY tab shows a graphical representation wind speed and direction and selected other ATIS data in tabular form.
ATIS ITEMS tab displays the aerodrome status for each of the 16 categories recommended in Annex 11, as well as any other local aerodrome notification items. An operator can modify and 'record'  any ATIS phrase using Text to Speech, microphone, or Airport instrumentation. Individual items can be included or omitted from the  ATIS broadcast as required. In fully automatic mode, new ATIS data is extracted from automatic Meteorological instrumentation or update messages from the AFTN.
CURRENT ATIS tab displays the text of the currently broadcasting ATIS with the in-progress phrase highlighted.
AFTN/METAR tab shows the recent AFTN messages, sent and received, and the Meteorological data in WMO METAR format
FORMS tab allows operator entry of updated data in any one of a set of custom designed forms complete with comprehensive field validation
HELP tab shows the Operator manual in HTML format


(Hover over Tab Page Names above to switch Tab Pages)


Automatic generation of a coded Digital ATIS message with each new ATIS
Digital ATIS content controlled by external Templates
Complies with ED-89A and ARINC-622
Dispatch to an Air Ground Service provider via AFTN, SITA or direct to an ACARS Transmitter
Support for the MATIP TCP/IP protocol


Automatic dispatch of the ATIS text to the AFTN  with each new ATIS
Full logging of all changes
Password control of operator actions
Automatic generation of WMO METAR and dispatch on a time schedule
Automatic generation of Regional QNH report when Airport QNH has changed
Addition of items to the ATIS broadcast triggered by external airport sensors
GPS or NTP Synchronised Time
Independent Arrival and Departure Data on a split screen display
ATIS broadcast Continuous or during Airport operating hours only.
Direct Synthetic Speech real time voice generation with no need for a wave library
Supports two Synthetic Voices with operator select or automatic voice switch on alternate broadcasts
Configurable for Master/Standby with multiple slave display systems


This option uses VOIP technology to transmit encoded Audio direct to remote transmitters with VOIP receive capability
Local workstations have full control over the content and scheduling of the ATIS broadcast